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"When you partner with CIBA, you have direct access to influencers and decision makers"

Working with us provides a unique platform to introduce your product or service to the accountancy profession.

We help in establishing new leads and connections with finance professionals - all under the umbrella of one of the largest and most recognised accountancy bodies in Southern Africa.

Work with us to make your product desirable

With more than 9000 members and a database of 50 000 accountants in our network we can partner with you to increase the reach of your marketing efforts.

We offer a wide range of options that we can tailor to your needs

We monitor our campaigns and provide weekly updates to ensure you get the best ROI that we can deliver.

Connect with senior finance professionals through our 100+ events.

Target senior finance professionals in industry, practice and not-for-profit by sponsoring one of our member events.

We offer a range of event sponsorship packages, bespoke and off the shelf. We will work with you to achieve maximum return on investment (ROI), connecting you with the right target audience.

We hold more than 300 events in the Southern Africa each year, including:

  • Large-scale flagship conferences;
  • Bespoke roundtable events;
  • Regional roadshows and webinars, as well as
  • Technical workshops and roundtables.

Choose from a range of event sponsorship packages:

  • Exclusive branding opportunities and presentation/speaker slots
  • Exhibition stands;
  • Literature distribution; and
  • Product demonstrations

Target the right audience for the best ROI

Engage your target audience with the right messaging, copy, imagery, and channels. Our dedicated account managers and in-house marketing experts will work closely with you to ensure you generate maximum impact and return-on-investment.

We can help you:

  • Generate leads with integrated below-the-line marketing campaigns.
  • Develop long-term campaigns that build and follow on each other.
  • Reach the most relevant business accountants from the CIBA membership.

Online, digital and print advertising options to complement your sponsorship programme.

Across these channels you can reach members in business, practice or a specific segment.

Our highly engaged audience:

  • Delivers many page views to saiba.org.za, accountingweekly.com, and cfotalks.com each month, and
  • Provides open rates of more than 30% and click-through rates of more than 15%

Join our successful member rewards programme

Benefit from being one of our carefully selected products and services rewards that are relevant to our members.

Gain access to additional bespoke marketing channels, as well as the opportunity to partake in the wider Member Rewards marketing campaigns.

Gain extra advertising opportunities through our member rewards programme.

Got something interesting to say?

Let's work together to reach your target audience.

Use our advertising channels to push out your existing content - or try something different and build new content together with us. Alternatively work with us on a jointly-produced publication or sponsor one of our own publications.

The technical experts at ICAEW and our membership are always keen to input into what could be the next big issue, so it's a great opportunity to combine our expertise and push something influential and thought provoking out to the market.

Certified Ethical Computing Company

Affirming the obligation of computer professionals to use their skills to benefit society.

  • Responisibility of accountants
  • Accountants are bound by a Code of Ethics and engagement standards to consider and report on the sustainability of their clients' businesses.

    One of the risk areas they need to consider relates to the security and reliability of the software applied within a business environment.

    Accountants are not computing professionals and have to rely on the ethical conduct of computing professionals to obtain assurance of safety and reliability.

    To help promote the public interest, CIBA develop a platform to co-ordinate the work of accounting professionals and computing professionals to work for the benefit of society.

    We do this by issuing a CIBA Ethically Checked certification to computing professionals.

  • Impact of computing professionals on society
  • Computing professionals (CP) have a profound impact on both public and private life. Computing is no longer merely a support structure for doing complex calculations. It influences the essence of our being, running insulin pumps and pacemakers, managing our firendships, and identifying who should be punished, promoted, and hired.

  • CIBA Ethically Certified Computer Professionals
  • CIBA performs an accreditation process to measure the commitment of CP to ethical computing.

    The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) already has a well-developed Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that outline 25 ethical principles for technology professionals including to "avoid harm", conduct "thorough evaluations of computer systems and their impacts, including analysis of possible risks", ensure access is authorized or "compelled by the public good", and "design and implement systems that are robustly and useably secure."

    The CIBA Ethically Certified Accreditation measures your adherence to the Code issued by ACM and provides a certificate of commitment.

    This certificate provides proof to the accounting community that they can recommend your software product to their clients.

  • Digital Beanie
  • Ethically certified computing professionals are included on the CIBA platform www.digitalbeans.co.za

    The platform connects ethical professionals and assist with the transformation of accounting firms into the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Sponsorships and advertising packages


  • CIBA web page (1 year access)
  • AW article (1 per month)
  • Block ads in AW, CFO Talks (2 ads per year)
  • CIBA Online Member Profile (1 year access)
  • CIBA Member email (1 per month)
  • CIBA, AW and CFO Talks social media posts (1 per week x 1 year)
  • CFO Talks Interview Mention (1 per Month)
  • CIBA new member application (shop of products)
  • Dedicated campaign landing page
  • CIBA Academy Product Training Videos (1 year Access)
  • Gold

  • CIBA web page (1 year access)
  • AW article (1 per month)
  • Block ads in AW, CFO Talks (2 ads per year)
  • CIBA Online Member Profile (1 year access)
  • CIBA Member email (1 per month)
  • CIBA, AW and CFO Talks social media posts (1 per week x 1 year)
  • CFO Talks Interview Mention (1 per Month)
  • Silver

  • CIBA web page (1 year access)
  • AW article (1 per month)
  • Block ads in AW, CFO Talks (2 ads per year)
  • CIBA Online Member Profile (1 year access)
  • CIBA Member email (1 per month)
  • Bronze

  • CIBA web page (1 year access)
  • AW article (1 per month)
  • Block ads in AW, CFO Talks (2 ads per year)
  • Please click here to view our Rate Card

Already a CIBA member?

Click here to sumit your annual Ethically Checked (NOCLAR) declaration.

Ethically checked

Already ethically checked?

Click here to claim your rewards for being ethical.


Register for the mandatory CPD on Ethics?

Click here to register for your mandatory CPD on Ethics course.

CPD on Ethics