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Gain valuable recognition as an accounting professional with this unique designation that will help distinguish you as someone who demonstrates professionalism, ethical conduct and lifelong learning.
The finance department has great importance in the success of any business and it is the backbone of organization's process and operations. No business can run without finance and effective management of available finance is the key to success. The roles in the finance department can be split between Functional, Administrative, Operational, Management and Strategic levels. The Chartered Bookkeeper (CBK) designation is the one designation for all operational finance roles, and will allow you to progress towards the CFM and CCFO designations helping you move up the finance department hierarchy:
Strategic | Chief financial officer | Chartered Chief Financial Officer (CCFO) | Click here |
Management | Financial manager | Chartered Financial Manager (CFM) | Click here |
Operational | Financial accountant | Chartered Business Accountant - Commerce (CBAC) | Click here |
Administrative | Financial Administrator | Chartered Financial Administrator (CFAdmin) | Click here |
Functional | Bookkeeper | Chartered Bookkeeper (CBK) | Click here |
Practice | Accountant in Practice | Chartered Business Accountant - Practice (CBAP) | Click here |
Our designations have been carefully researched and aligned to industry norms and regulations. Each designation is based on a set of competencies that reflect the expertise required for each level within the finance department.
There are a variety of job descriptions associated with the CBK designation. This short summary explains more about what is expected of a CBK within the finance department.
CBK is an official CIBA designation and is currently not recognized in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 67 of 2008. The entry criteria for the designation as published:
A completed qualification e.g., Matric Certificate, National Diploma or Degree (commerce or non-commerce) obtained from an institute of higher learning registered with the South African Department of Education, or:
A SAQA evaluation and alignment certificate indicating the comparative South African qualification if the qualification was obtained from a Non-South African institute of higher learning.
Relevant prior learning obtained in the form of part qualifications, modules, short courses or similar courses completed and which CIBA as recognised for membership purposes.
Membership of a professional body that ascribes to the membership criteria of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) or a professional body with whom CIBA has signed a membership agreement, and whom CIBA has recognised for membership purposes.
The Chartered designation is a mark of excellence in the accounting and finance profession. It demonstrates to employers, clients, and peers that the holder is committed to best practices, ethical conduct, and lifelong learning and maintains high professional standards. As the profession evolves, accountants must go beyond technical expertise to demonstrate ethical leadership, industry awareness, and accountability. The Professional Readiness Programme reinforces and evaluates the skills to navigate a dynamic business environment while upholding public trust. It includes the following areas: Technical Application Skills, Ethical Awareness, Environmental Awareness, and Readiness for Responsibility.
The CIBA ethics CPD and assessment be completed annually.
CBK should stay updated on technology and business development by annually completing CPD events in technology and business.
A CFM needs to log 10 hours continuing professional development (CPD) per annum. CPD is required by law from all accountants in South African that has earned a designation. It shows your commitment to lifelong learning, and must be obtained from .
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